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WE JUST ADDED THIS PAGE. A woman contacted us and said we should have a shared stories page . . . so here it is.

It is our goal to place stories on this page of how our book has made a difference in some woman's life - - either describing how the book helped her or a friend avoid or handle a bad situation.

Please email us at stories@AWorldWithoutRape.org (if link does not work copy and past into your email address box) we will NEVER post any woman's name or city

ALSO, this book will be going to 2nd Edition before the end of 2006.

If you feel we have left something out - be it an additional way to prevent an assault or be it just some important information, we would love to hear from you. Please email any thoughts or ideas to ideas@AWorldWithoutRape.org (if link does not work copy and past into your email address box) Our goal is that a copy of this book ends up in the hands of every woman over the age of 14.

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